Family Coaching

As an experienced couples and family therapist, I embrace the philosophy that relationships are at the core of the human experience. Research clearly demonstrates that close, safe, and fulfilling relationships are essential not only for mental and physical health but also for fostering longevity, personal growth, social connectedness and overall well-being.
My coaching approach cultivates the development of a conscious mindset and constructive dialogue, fostering an active process of growth, enhanced performance, and deeper connection.
I provide couples coaching, pre-marital coaching, parental coaching, and family coaching, utilizing proven methods such as the IMAGO Approach and Emotionally Focused Therapy. These approaches support clients in strengthening their connections, resolving relational challenges, and fostering secure, lasting bonds. With success rates of 75%-80%, these evidence-based strategies empower individuals and families to cultivate relationships that enhance their quality of life, personal sense of achievement, competence, and overall longevity.
Reflective Questions
Communication and Understanding
Do you feel heard and understood by your partner, or do you often feel like you are talking past each other?
When was the last time you felt truly connected during a conversation with your partner?
How often do you feel like you and your partner are on the same team?
Do you struggle to communicate your needs and emotions to your partner effectively?
When conflicts arise, do you and your partner handle them in a way that strengthens or weakens your relationship?
Have past disagreements led to resentment or unresolved tension between you and your partner?
Financial Planning
Do you and your partner have open and honest conversations about money, or is it a topic you avoid?
Are you and your partner aligned on long-term financial goals, such as savings, retirement and your children’s education?
How do you and your partner handle financial disagreements or differing spending habits?
Do you have a clear understanding of each other’s financial priorities, values, and concerns?
Have you created a shared budget or financial plan that works for the both of you?
Is there anything that you would like to be different in you financial planning and spending?
Sexual Intimacy
Are you and your partner satisfied with the frequency of physical intimacy in your relationship?
Do you feel comfortable discussing your sexual needs, desires, and boundaries with your partner?
Has your sexual connection changed over time, and are you both happy with how it has evolved?
Are there unresolved tensions, frustrations, or mismatched expectations in your sex life that impact your relationship?
Do you and your partner feel emotionally connected during physical intimacy, or does it sometimes feel disconnected?
Are there external factors, such as stress, health issues, or past experiences, that might be affecting your sexual relationship?
Intimacy and Connection
Do you feel that you and your partner prioritise quality time together, or does life often get in the way?
Are there moments when you feel more like roommates than romantic partner?
Do you and your partner express love and affection for each other?
How does you partner differ from you in his expressions and needs for attention and connection?
Are you able to be vulnerable and share your deep feelings with your partner?
Do you feel that your physical intimacy reflects your emotional closeness in your relationship?
Do you and your partner share the same values and goals when it comes to raising your children?
How do you handle disagreements about parenting approaches, such as discipline, education, or boundaries?
Are you able to balance your parenting responsibilities with quality time for your relationship and personal well-being?
Do you feel confident in your ability to support your child’s or children’s emotional, social and educational needs?
Are you or your partner worried about your child’s social media use?
Are you and your partner able to control your child’s social media use?
How do you and your partner manage the stress and demands of parenting, especially during challenging times?